how you can help
Donate supplies
Toiletries are always needed and we do like to have a supply on hand at Peoples' Kitchen to give out as needed: Hotel size soap bars, hand lotion, shampoo, conditioner, hand sanitizer. Also deodorant, razors, combs, brushes, band aids, lip balm, tissue packs.
We welcome donations of sleeping bags, winter coats, sweaters, and rain gear. We do not accept blankets.
Contact Paso Cares Homeless Services at (805) 591-0078 if you are interested in donating to us. We cannot accept site drop-offs without prior notification. Thank you.
Join Us
2023 Paso Cares Meeting Dates
Meetings are at 9am on Zoom
January 19th
February 16th
March 16th
April 20th
May 18th
June 3rd
July 1st
August 5th
September 2nd
October 7th
November 4th
December 2nd
For more information email us at or check out our Facebook page.
Donate Blessing Bags
We distribute "blessing bags" to the homeless and needy. These are one gallon zip lock bags that contain things like a pair of socks, toiletries, non-perishable food items, etc. We find that church groups often like to prepare them as a service project, and they are well appreciated. See the link below for a list of possible items to include in a blessing bag.
Donate in-kind services
From time to time we can use a variety of donated services. For example, in February 2018 Trombley Painting graciously donated labor and paint for our shipping container. Please watch this space for announcements of services we need.
You may bring items to our monthly Pop-Up welcome center in the old J.C.Penney parking lot, or better yet contact us at or call (805) 591-0078 or on our Facebook page. Consider being a volunteer to feed, transport equipment and supplies, help with public relations, fund-raising, planning and serving at events, record-keeping, or just visiting with homeless folks wherever you encounter them.