make a difference
Together we can put an end to homelessness and provide adequate food and shelter until we do.
the problem
Paso Robles presently does not have adequate overnight housing for all of the unhoused community, and has no permanent daytime, bad weather warming station.
Homelessness isn't seasonal, but it is much more difficult to live as a homeless person on cold winter nights, wet, hungry, and shivering. As of January 2014, over 800 people, including over 400 children, were homeless here in Paso Robles California.
our mission
The mission of Paso Cares is to undertake activities, in collaboration with other existing organizations of San Luis Obispo County, that will provide for the immediate and longer term needs of homeless and needy persons and families. The area of focus will primarily be in the City of Paso Robles, adjoining jurisdictions, and the North County.
Warming Station
In 2019 Paso Cares made the difficult decision to not host warming shelters at various churches. We were looking forward to the City of Paso Robles partnering with the El Camino Homeless Organization (ECHO) to operate a Warming Shelter (open every night) in 2019/2020. Then, in 2019 the Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo (HASLO), using $15 million of the State’s grant to the County, purchased Motel 6 in Paso Robles to be used for low income and homeless housing. Beginning in 2020 HASLO has used about 60 rooms for low income permanent apartments, and has contracted with ECHO to use approximately 50 rooms for transient, overnight-only unhoused guests. Paso Cares is excited that this major objective of ours to provide temporary, overnight housing to the homeless community of Paso Robles has been partly satisfied by the acquisition of the Motel 6 property and managed by ECHO, although that shelter is often full so there are still unhoused folks.
People's kitchen meals
When the Motel 6 site was opened in February 2020, the dinner meals being provided and served by volunteers through Paso Cares at our People’s Kitchen site were transferred to the Motel 6 site, now managed by ECHO. Again, Paso Cares is excited that this major objective of ours to provide nutritious evening meals seven days a week to the homeless community of Paso Robles has been partly satisfied by the acquisition of the Motel 6 property and managed by ECHO.
We are men and women of Paso Robles Area with the goal of providing for the needs of the homeless population of our community. We are volunteers who together share a vision of providing food, clothing and shelter for our fellow citizens in need. We are leaders willing to stand hand in hand to make sure the needs of each individual are met.

One in seven people live in poverty.
Over 4,500 people are classified as living at the poverty level in Paso Robles.
These people are mostly children, and food insecure. Many do not know where their next meal is coming from.